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A Day at the Beach

The day your baby arrives is unforgettable. Your heart is ripped out of your body and put into a tiny person. That's the best was I can describe it. I was reminded of that when we got this sweet submission from Jordyn. Their little Aveline will no doubt grow up to be an amazing woman one day, I can say that for sure- her and I share a birthday! Yay January 5!

Jordyn, tell us about her arrival.

On May 4, 2017 I found out I was going to be a mother to a beautiful baby. Although it was a scary thing to comprehend and something new in life, it was one of the most exciting things I had ever been able to look forward to. The thought of bringing such a perfect human being into the world that my husband and I both had part in was a great feeling. We looked forward to the day she was born all 39 weeks and 1 day I was pregnant.

Aveline Rose Cabrera was born on January 5, 2018 at 5:24am. It was the best day of our lives. She is now 6 months old and has accomplished many things in her short life. She has learned to roll over, sit up all by herself and even do a little scoot/crawl as I like to call it. Being new parents it was hard to juggle everything and know what was the right thing to do for her. We pushed through the unfortunate event of my broken ankle a few days after she was born, but it made us a stronger family.

Our daughter is such an amazing little human, and I feel she knew we were having a hard time. She is an overall happy baby and we are so blessed to have her. Of course we do like to go out and just have some alone time, but the best times we have are with her. The only thing I could recommend to new mothers is, don’t stress out. Don’t let ANYONE tell you that you are doing something wrong and that you should do things a certain way. This is YOUR baby and you are doing what’s best for him/her regardless of others ways of parenting. Don’t get discouraged and just enjoy this time with your child, they bring such light into not only your world but everyone else’s. It’s true what they say, you never really know what true love is until the second they place your newborn baby on your chest. The feeling is just indescribable.

Coronado, California

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