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Meet Jessica: Mama Instincts

It's true what they say about Mama Instincts kicking in. I personally call it "mama bear". That immediate feeling that you know what is best for your baby, even though you have no experience. After all, you grew that perfect little human for 9 months, no one does know them better then you!

Meet Jessica.

What was the most surprising thing about bringing your newborn home?

Everything! Being a first time Mom, I knew absolutely nothing. I think the most surprising thing was how quickly my instincts kicked in.

Any advice to new mama readers?

It will get better. I absolutely hate when people said that, but the truth is it really does, and it might seem like eternity when you’re living it, but time goes ever so quickly. Enjoy each moment. Not everything will go exactly how you envisioned, and that’s okay. Do what works for you and your family, don’t be pressured or feel guilt if something doesn’t work out.

I love play dates at the park, splash pads, and the zoo. It's so nice to connect with my Mama friends on a different level now and laugh at all we experience.

What has been surprising about your kiddo/kiddos at this stage?

Noah is crawling all over and pulling up on things to stand. He's so determined, stubborn at times and strong willed. He makes his mama proud. <3

I'm excited to see Noah grow and watch his personality develop. I'm excited to create memories and see all the big things he'll do in his life.

I guess I am nervous about the unknown, but I trust in my faith that all will be just fine :)

Something you are struggling with or would like others to know?

I struggled with feeling guilty. For about 3 months, Noah had a milk allergy and I didn't know. He was in so much pain and cried from morning until night. I knew something wasn't right and it took so long for him to be diagnosed after my persistence with the doctors. I'd like others to know to go with your gut, Mama knows best and advocate for your child.

What is your best way to find balance (if this references a cocktail- I don't judge)?

Definitely wine lol! And of course therapy with my girlfriends.

Girl therapy is legit. Cheers!

Goshen, New York

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