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Regina Young and

International Women's Day

My husband and I are expecting our first baby this November, and like any proper fairytale, we anticipate nothing less than a princess who will love her Daddy and Mommy. Our preparation for her arrival has been steady since we found out the news we were expecting on March 8 (International Women’s Day). We transformed the guest room in our 100 year old home in Fairmount into a lavender, grey and sea foam green nursery and have been building our stockpile of clothes, bows, books, shoes, diapers…(did we mention bows?!) gradually.

I’ve been reading books, to-do lists, and talking to anyone I can about being a mom. I’ve been passively watching several mommy sites, blogs and apps and am trying to be diligent about taking “bumpies.” Truth time: I started and abandoned my pregnancy scrapbook after I started feeling better in the second trimester. #momfail. I’ve decided instead to write in a diary each year of her birth and give it to her when she turns 18 or hits another milestone. This seems to be a much more manageable goal with all the other preparation that occurs and is needed prior to baby’s arrival.

As for self-care, in addition to the occasional pedicure, hair blow out, chiropractic adjustment, etc., I’ve begun reading anything I can get my hands on. A lot of times, we’ll read aloud to Chicky. That’s what we’re calling her these days due to the large quantities of Chik Fil-A I consumed in the first trimester.

In fact, in lieu of cards at our baby shower, we encouraged guests to bring a children’s book instead to continue to round out her ever-growing library. Books, education and reading were important family values for both my husband and I, and it’s likely why we both pursued our education (me with a Master’s in Counseling and him with a Juris Doctorate). Chicky’s definitely going to excel like her parents.

Another goal of mine is to achieve 400 check-ins at a body boot camp class (Camp Gladiator or CG), which will mark approximately 100 check-ins per year since I started CG. To date, I have a dozen more to go before I deliver, and I’ve been doing all kinds of squats to ahem “prepare” for delivery.

Of course, I’m assuredly anxious and understandably so (it’s a huge deal!), though I feel ready, calm and at ease with the idea that the two of us will soon be three. I’m loving the story we’ve written so far, and cannot wait for the next chapter.

Fort Worth, TX

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