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Meet Vanessa: Finding Balance

As part of my own centering, I practice yoga 2-3 times a week. Enough to keep my muscles stretched and my heart open. That's why when we heard from Vanessa, we were eager to celebrate her!

Hi Vanessa! It's so nice to meet you. How would you describe your present life as a mom?

I am a believer in individuality and creativity so keeping my interests alive beyond diapers and playdates has become a mission in itself. I love those free moments where I can Read on a topic I am passionate about, do yoga or just sit on the couch and let my imagination come up with inspiring ideas through art or writing. My husband and I love to take Lily out exploring new places with our two dogs whenever we can!

Playdates are always interesting because it could be a complete party of fun and laughs, a mediation between sharing toys and taking turns or a little bit of both. Either way I love kids and have a blast with them. It is all about being spontaneous and wild with them. They open up that way and are more willing to listen.

What has been surprising about your kiddo/kiddos at this stage?

I was surprised by how much attitude my daughter has at this stage, it just came out of nowhere! Sometimes I can not help but laugh even though I know I should teach her other ways of expressing herself.

I am excited to see what my daughter is passionate about. There are so many possibilities that when she finds one or many, we can encourage her to keep going through the obstacles.

It is so exciting to see your babies blossom. Are there somethings you are struggling with?

It can be hard to be conscious of all your actions sometimes. Even though I know my goal is to be a positive mom all the time, in reality it is hard. There are times when you are too tired to figure out why your child is screaming or crying, but what I am learning is that each time you see yourself raising your voice or saying no, you make a connection that possibly next time you can do something else. That is empowering!

My greatest wish for Lily is that she always stays true to who she is and loves herself. I feel like self love and acceptance is the greatest success and opens so many doors.

I learned love from my mother. Love is the whole lesson of life in my opinion. I am forever grateful for having a loving mother

What is your best way to find balance (if this references a cocktail- I don't judge)?

My way of balancing out motherhood is meditation and yoga. Deepening my spirituality is just as important to me and being a mom, therefore I make time for it everyday, even if it is ten minutes, those ten minutes make all the difference.

Thank you Vanessa for reminding us to stay grounded.

Stockton, California

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